Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Writing an Essay That Sorts Out Cause and Effect

Writing an Essay That Sorts Out Cause and EffectResearching your topic well for an essay that you intend to present to your professor is the key to writing a well-written research cause and effect essay. The research must be substantial enough to back up your argument, but not so extensive that it overwhelms the rest of your essay.For instance, you may have begun your research on causality by tracing back the debate between Hume and Kant, in which Kant claimed that causes could not exist, and that causes are only effects of a cause. You were attempting to show that such a position was inherently illogical, and that there is a strong empirical basis to support this position. However, you ended up doing more harm than good, and instead of demonstrating the validity of the entire premise of Kant's argument, you only demonstrated the flaws in Kant's thesis.In order to avoid such pitfalls, you should research cause and effect in the context of your topic. As an example, if you wish to arg ue that microeconomics has been skewed in favor of corporate interests, then you would be wise to give particular attention to a book by Milton Friedman. Milton Friedman is well known as a champion of economic freedom, and you should learn all you can about him, including his books that discuss the related subject of cause and effect. He was also the first economist to propose and implement the Austrian School of Economics, and this should provide you with a unique perspective.Do not just turn to any book on economics and attempt to write an essay that reflects all that you know about the subject, however. Because of the nature of cause and effect, you must learn as much as you can about all of the other subjects that you will be studying as you write your essay.If you are trying to write an essay for a college course on microeconomics, then you would be wise to look into a book written by John Kenneth Galbraith, who is also a former presidentof Harvard University. He wrote a book c alled, Affluence and Influence: The Story of Modern America, which is written in a style that is quite different from Milton Friedman's. The similarities between the two styles do not mean that they are similar, however; they can indeed be different, and you should use them as tools to supplement your own knowledge of the subject.When you have your entire research compiled, you should then turn to writing your final analysis in order to fully explain how you came to your conclusions. You can further refine your written statement by bringing your topic subjects to life through close analysis of the particular events and circumstances that caused you to write your conclusion.Theses essays, like all essays, should reflect what you know about the topic, with close attention to the details. This way, when your professor reads your essay, he or she will feel that you actually spent time reading, researching, and studying your topic. When they read your paper, they will see a detailed expl anation of the evidence that you presented, and that will ensure that your essay is well-researched and well-written.Thesis papers are very much similar to research papers; therefore, take the same level of interest and effort in writing your essay. If you take the time to learn as much as you can about the topic, you will create a paper that will make your professor proud.

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